Heat: Club Inferno; A Loveswept Contemporary Erotic Romance

Heat: A Loveswept Contemporary Erotic Romance - Jamie K. Schmidt 3.5 stars.

Most books fall into 3 categories for me. A hit, almost there, and a miss. Heat was a miss for me. However, it did have some almost there qualities. This book was not what I was expecting.

Lets start with the good stuff. I really loved the plot of this book. Fashion and BDSM all under one roof... love it! I though it was really cool how the author mixed the two. I absolutely fell in love with the creativeness behind this book. While I was reading, I wished I could go, or just find a place just like it!

The romance between Max and Mallory was cute, and the sexy scenes were steamy! I really liked that Max ignored Mallory's sister, and dated Mallory anyways. I really loved all of the cute little things he did for Mallory.

The thought behind the whole book was good, but it could have been better. I couldn't connect with the characters. It could use some more work. Max was a Dom, but we never really saw his dominant side. Couture had a lot of BDSM parties , but I wish we would have actually had some BDSM scenes. Mallory was an okay character. I thought she was trying a little to hard to fit into the BDSM world.

I gave this book 3.5 stars. While I liked Couture, and all of the romantic things Max did for Mallory, I just wish there was more.

*Book provided by publisher on NetGalley for review.*